
Scientec Ibérica specializes in surface analysis at the micro-nano scale in the fields of nanotechnology, Scientific Research, R&D&I and Industrial Metrology and microfabrication.
Scientec provides innovative products for topographycal metrology and chemical characterization.
By high resolution topographic characterization we mean: AFM microscopes, optical and mechanical profilers, interferometers, digital holography, nanoindentation, filmetrics thin film and special 3D confocal for high aspect ratio geometries and reverse engineering (CAD).
By Chemical characterization we mean, high resolution microRaman, IR nanoespectroscopy, TERS, nanocalorimetry and ultrahigh vacuum spectroscopy systems ESCA, XPS, ARPES..
Web: www.scientec.es
E-mail: Info@scientec.es

PARALAB was founded in 1992 with its primary goal set on the distribution of scientific equipment for laboratory and industry, for measurement and control in the world of characterization of materials.
Today, Paralab is the reference company in this sector, additionally developing unique expertise in the area of design and development of projects.
Paralab outstands by:
- Offering the most complete range of laboratory equipment in Portugal;
- Investing heavily in the best after-sales service, supported by a large team of professionals with deep knowledge of all analytical techniques we distribute;
- Follow-up with customers from pre-sales to the final installation and operation of the equipment, providing global and integrated solutions.
Our main strength is the technical and scientific background of our human resources. The team includes graduates and post-graduates in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Electronic Engineering. This team, allows Paralab to successfully deal with all the projects in which is involved, and at the same time provide unequal customer training and after sales support.
Web: www.paralab.pt
E-mail: info@paralab.pt

Kenosistec is an Italian company belonging to the Angelantoni group, that manufactures equipment dedicated to deposition of metals and dielectrics for thin film applications using PVD technologies like Sputtering, Cathodic Arc, PECVD, Thermal or e-Beam evaporation.
Kenosistec designs and manufactures tailored solutions using vacuum process technology by building innovative and customized equipment for R&D and production requirements in the fields of nanotechnologies, microelectronics, optics, automotive, solar and telecommunication.
Tecnasa is a Spanish company that distributes Kenosistec as well as other high technology product lines in research, production, health and environmental surveillance areas.

SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH - A Story of Constant Innovation
SPECS has more than 150 employees at its headquarters in Berlin and its subsidiaries in the USA, China and Switzerland. The company also has sales offices and international sales channels in more than sixteen countries. A team of scientists and engineers are involved in developing and producing scientific instruments for surface analysis, material science and nanotechnology. By constant innovation new techniques, components or system concepts are launched every year since more than 30 years, revolutionizing the field of surface analysis. Contact SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH (www.specs.com) for further information.